
Chess Mosaic

Chess Mosaic

Art derived from life.
As a Chinese, i like playing chess and especially fascinated it.
Today, a chess mosaic have arrived our company and i can’t help to write a blog to share it. With its round shape and the same color, the chess mosaics are very harmonious. Someone who likes chess must love it very much.

This chess mosaics are made from ceramic glazed finish and has mesh on back which is easy for cutting and clearing. By the way, china is home to various ceramic date back to the ancient time. Jingde jiangxi province is famous as its ceramic while Fo shan city guang dong province is also professional in manufacturing the ceramic product. And our firm has business with this area. No doubt there is that our new arrivals are boutique.
Here are some photos from our campany (TST MOSAIC TILES).

Black chess mosaic

Porcelain Penny Round Tiles are wide-use in both interior design and outdoors. These tiles are made of porcelain which almost has zero water absorption. Therefore, they may be used in heavy water area such as swimming pools, bathroom floor, shower floor etc. These tiles can be glazed with glossy finish or matte finish. Both of them are fine for floor tile because after installing them, the grout will keep it anti slippery. Glossy tile may look more shiny. Matte tile will be fit for project which has strict anti slippery requirements.
Whit chess mosaic
Red chess mosaic

